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Group Dynamics in Research

At Synthosys, we had the opportunity to collaborate with a distinguished university research team, led by a professor aiming to enhance their teamwork. Tasked with addressing communication challenges within this multigenerational and multicultural team, our initial diagnosis revealed a critical gap in the team’s collective understanding of their work culture. This set the stage for our bespoke group dynamic session that included both individual and collective insights into the team's dynamics.

This approach allowed members to explore and reconcile the underlying motivations behind their work culture preferences. The leader gained valuable insights into the impact of their approach, recognising the need to adjust their leadership style to better meet the team’s needs. Simultaneously, the team developed a newfound appreciation for the leader’s competitive drive, understanding it as a response to the demanding nature of academic research rather than a disregard for a cohesive, family-like work environment.

This case study underscores Synthosys’s commitment to elevating team performance through a nuanced understanding of team dynamics and the subconscious factors that influence them. Our intervention not only bridged communication gaps but also aligned the team more closely with their shared values by unlocking a deeper understanding of the unconscious elements at play.


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