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Underdog Coaching: Breaking silos in the aeronautic sector

At Synthosys, we partnered with a leading international engineering firm, focusing on leadership development and enhancing communication to dismantle the prevailing culture of siloed work within their departments.

Our tailored strategy involved a series of one-on-one coaching sessions utilising our ROGUE model, which aimed at fostering self-awareness among a select group of leaders about their communication challenges and their integral role within the organisation's broader ecosystem.

A key example was one leader who struggled with feeling undervalued despite her exceptional achievements. Our coaching facilitated a profound personal reflection, enabling her to shift her perspective from feeling a victim to becoming a proactive communicator. She started identifying the gaps to then tailor her communication effectively while considering the diverse personalities and scenarios within the team.

Gaining a deeper insight into the unique contributions of each team member to the organisational fabric, she initiated a cultural shift towards enhanced collaboration. Moreover, this journey of personal and professional development culminated in her breaking through the glass ceiling and achieving three promotions from different departments.

This case study highlights Synthosys's dedication to promoting leadership excellence and collaborative culture through a deep understanding of individual and team dynamics, leading to significant organisational transformations.

Reflective practice in health settings

We had the privilege of engaging in reflective practice with a team of health professionals who work with vulnerable people. They approached us seeking assistance in improving their collaborative efforts. Throughout our sessions, we facilitated a private and safe environment for employees to openly reflect and gain better insight into their own emotions and mental well-being. It became evident that the team felt neglected and insecure due to ineffective communication from management. The existing communication methods lacked clarity and appeared to prioritise rules over employees’ well-being, consequently impacting the quality of their work.

We implemented a transparent communication framework for both employees and management to foster open dialogue. By establishing a supportive and empathetic environment, both parties began to gain clarity on their respective roles, understand their own and others' emotions, and collaborate more effectively. This led to improved information flow and emotional intelligence within the team and management.

This case study exemplifies our commitment to addressing underlying team dynamics, even when they seem tangential to the client request. We challenge conventional approaches by introducing fresh perspectives and insights into team dynamics.


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